How to taste wine in a restaurant
In a restaurant: the wine tasting ritual

Here’s a quick vid to understand what you’re doing and nail it like a ninja.
The best way to release the true aromas in the wine is to swirl the glass. This allows oxygen into the wine and makes it so much easier to detect any faults (or just smell all the yum stuff)
FYI ‘corked wine’ or TCA is also called ‘Cork Taint’

Some people are more sensitive to cork taint than others. So don’t worry if you can detect it but the waiter can’t (story of my life
, sorry @onthewall_leeds for having to sit through the debate

Wines faults are, unfortunately, more common than you might think so it’s not crazy to check your wine before drinking it.
Other aromas that might indicate a fault
- vinegar
- sulphur/rotten egg/burnt rubber
- nail varnish remover (sometimes intended to be part of aroma, so depends on the wine)

If you aren’t expecting your wine to be fizzy (e.g. a red Bordeaux) this is most likely a fault too
You guys know I love my little box of wine fault aromas (mmm vomit, wet dog, eggs
). You can always ask me for a sniff at tastings. You’ll love it